Ungkapan Kinerja yang Baik kelas 8


Ungkapan menghargai kinerja yang baik;

I appreciate your hard-work
Thanks for working so hard
Well done
Good job

Fey : hello how are you iki ?
iki: I’m felling great today , thanks
fey : oh iki, can I ask you some thing ?
iki : oh, sure . please
fey : have you finished writing the book we dIscussed two month ago ?
iki: yes! . look at this . what do you think ?
fey : terrific. I like the cover, let me see the contents, this book is very excellent. you realLy do a great job!
iki: thanks a lot fey , you've inspired me to do this

Doni : meggy, have you won the math olympic yesterday ?
Meggy : yeah ! i have won
Doni : What a genius !!!
Meggy : thanks a lot Don
